Monday 2 January 2017

Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. It is about the quality of friends you have.

Have a look at this from Instagram.

"Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. It is about the quality of friends you have."

Yep! I agree with that more than 100%.

Some people think they are cool because they have 500 people at their birthday party but I would ask them, out of those 500 people how many people are going to help you out at 3am on a Tuesday morning in the middle of winter?

 I doubt many of them.

When I hear people say, "I have 100's of friends," I roll my eyes and think, "Here we go again."

Basically, my definition of a friend is someone who will help you out at that perviously mentioned 3am on a Tuesday morning. I'm willing to bet that you have maybe three or four of those people in your life.

Am I right?

I'm also willing to bet that you would help those people out too whenever they called.

Remember, it isn't the number, it is the quality of the people you surround yourself with.

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