Thursday, 15 December 2016

Insights over 257 (258) days

Today is the 257th time I have posted on this blog. If I do say so myself, that is amazing. When I set the goal of 500, I just pulled a number out of the air. There was no reason for that number, it just seemed like a good number. At that time I did not think that I would even remotely get that far.

Anyway, 8 months later and I am more than halfway to my goal and I have noticed a number of things.

1. Some days it is easy to write a post and other days it can be pure torture. Today is one example of that. I have spent about two hours trying to come up with ideas and this idea is the closest that I have got. It has certainly been very, very tiring.

2. Having this habit has certainly let me go to bed every night with the idea that at least I have accomplished one thing that particular day even if for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes I was in bed.

3. The theme of this blog is the relationship between introverts and extroverts and the fact that we live in an extroverted world and that we and by that I mean introverts, we need to get out of our shells from time to time. However, I haven't just written about that topic, I have also written about other things as well which does make it a little bit easier to come up with daily topics.

4. You can have too much of a good thing and I have procrastinated a lot on the second stage of this project. I'm not sure why exactly. It is scary. I have written blogs before so this wasn't such a big thing but the second and third stage are stressing me out a bit and nothing has happened. This is a goal for the rest of 2016 and early 2017.

5. People are certainly reading it. When I meet people who I know on the street or elsewhere they mention this blog which is nice to hear. I'm hoping to produce something more readable in the near future. If you have anything that you would like to me to post about, by all means get in contact and I will see what I can do.

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