Monday 22 July 2019

Monday, Monday!!!

I'm sure that we have all had this problem. We try to wake up on a Monday morning and things just don't happen. We have had a productive weekend, we've got things done. We have meet friends and we have been sociable. We have been to the gym at least once and had a good blow out. We have made some good food because we have time to experiment in the kitchen.

HOWEVER, Monday morning rolls around and we have no energy at all. Maybe we slept in on Sunday and because of that your rhythm  is off. You stayed up late on Sunday night because you couldn't get to sleep.

Does this all sound familiar?

It happened to me this weekend and I have not had a very good Monday morning at all. It has been zero productivity. It hasn't been a good start to the week.

So, what can we do to correct this problem?

Well, we first of all can create a consistent bed time and a wake up time and maintain it during the weekend as well.

Also, if you don't have any reason to get up you won't. You need to have that goal so you are so excited to get up and get going and to kick ass.

Start today to create that bedtime and do your best to keep it up for at least 21 days. They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit.

Good luck.

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