Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Sex and the City Post

In this post I introduced the DISC profile test. Basically it is made up of four profiles and by undersating them you can understand  how most people operate and why they act like they do.

Another four profiles needs no introduction. I'll let you watch the video. I'm sure most of you are at least familiar with these people:

Yep. It's the smash hit comedy series of the late 90's and early 2000's, Sex and the City.

The main characters in my opinion represent quite well, each of the DISC profiles.

Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbes, Samantha Jones and Charlotte York are the main characters and if you are a guy, you would do a lot worse than listening to these characters talking about their lives as 30-something women, talking about men, sex and everything else.

Carrie Bradshaw 

Carrie would be the I in the group. She is also the main character. She is a columnist for a newspaper and the themes for her columns are the main story in the series. Carrie likes to be out and about at the latest hot restaurant or club. She is the glue that binds the group together and in the show she runs through a plethora of boyfriends before getting married to "Mr. Big." I'm not sure why he is called "Big." I'll leave that up to your imagination. I would also call Carrie an extrovert. She seems to want to be seen at the different parties and events that are undoubtedly held in New York City every week. Like any extrovert, she seems to be energised by these parties.

Miranda Hobbes

I got the idea for this post by watching the movie, 'Sex and the City 2.' In the movie, the four ladies are shouted on an all-expense paid trip to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. Miranda is constantly referring to her UAE guidebook and telling the other ladies about various trivial facts about the city. She is also seen to be learning Arabic and is the unofficial "interpreter" of the group. This is classic C behaviour. C's really want all the information and Miranda's attitude in Abu Dhabi. Dealing with C people can cause all kind of conflict because I people are not the most conscientious, while C's are very conscientious and can't understand why other people don't care about the details.

Samantha Jones

Samantha is the D of the group. She is most sexually aggressive and is like most D's the one who gets straight to the point. If she sees someone that she is interested in she will pursue him until the job is done.

In the video below, we can see that Samantha is a typical D and she has no problem beating the opposition to oblivion.

Charlotte York

Charlotte is the S of the group. She would be considered the antithesis of Samantha. She has a 'fairy tale' look at life and considers that she only be dating one guy. Unlike Samantha she avoids confrontation which is a typical S. An S likes harmony and will do anything to keep that harmony. She is however a bit of a dark horse surprising her friends on occasions with her sudden changes of personality.

There you have it. Another way to look at people. Remember that extrovert doesn't always mean I and introvert doesn't always mean S so the whole introvert/extrovert continuum may not necessarily be related to DISC but if you understand both things then you will be able to understand the other person and you'll we able to understand how the other person ticks and avoid all those horrible confrontations. There you go I said it. I showed my Sness through and through. I wonder if that is why my favourite character was Charlotte when I first started watching this show.

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