Friday 8 September 2017


Charisma. It's one of those words that we all know. We have all heard it hundreds and hundreds of times but how do you actually become more charismatic?

1. Listen, listen, listen

It's all about listening. You ask questions. You maintain great eye contact. You use facial expressions and you really listen not like me who sometimes fakes listening. (That's not cool by the way.) By really listening, you are shown the other person that they mean something to you.

Also remember to listen to everyone. It doesn't matter what percentage of the population they belong to. The 1% or the remaining 99%. It doesn't matter where they went to school and what kind of accent they have, they all deserve you utmost attention. So give it to them.

2. Phones off

This is another one that I am pretty useless at. Put your phone away. Close the lid on that laptop. This way you are showing once again that utmost respect for the people you are talking to. By turning off your phone, people will want to be around you and that isn't a bad thing at the end of the day, is it?

3. Words are important

Words are important and how you use them are very important as well. I remember I was taught that "You are not running late. You are behind schedule." What is the difference here? Well, when you are running late, you are showing the people around you that you are lazy and unorganised and just not up to the business that you are involved in. But when you say that you are behind schedule, it shows that you are a busy person. That you a lot of things to do and that many people trust you because they want to see you for a meeting.

I've noticed that I have used the words "I hate" a lot recently. This is very negative and I should really get it out of my vocabulary quick smart.

4. We don't care about who you know or what kind of shit you have

You know the King of some far away country? Well, whoop-de-do. You have got the latest cell phone? I couldn't care less. You live in an apartment with a dishwasher? Well, fuck me. You are awesome. (Notice the sarcastic tone.) I tell you something, we don't care. It gets tiresome listening to all the stories about those possessions. (They are just possessions by the way.) Stop it with the stories. It is showing off after all and nobody likes a show-off.

5. Dalai Lama's wisdom

"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." - Dalai Lama.

Yep, very wise words indeed.

6. Don't gossip

Whatever you do, don't and I mean don't gossip. You might think you are being really cool laughing at someone and the other people might be laughing with you but at the end of the day no-one really likes someone who gossips. It's not cool at all and guess what, even though everyone is laughing (or fake laughing) no one respects you.

7. Laugh at yourself

Hey, you fucked up. Laugh about it. Learn from it. If you have learned from it, people will really respect you for it.

At the end of the day, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at, right?

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