Friday 21 August 2020

Sitting Quietly

 "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." - Blaise Pascal

I had never heard that quote before. Naval Ravikat said it on the very popular Joe Rogan Experience podcast. They were talking about how people can't just sit and be by themselves anymore. Have a look:

Isn't it amazing that they are saying that sitting alone and actually enjoying it is a superpower? For some people it will be torture and for other people they could do it in their sleep (you know what I mean.)

In the video they talk about meditation which I think is very important. I know that when I do it I feel great and I try to do it in the morning so I'm ready for the day ahead. 

I think another important skill is the ability to just sit by yourself and basically do nothing. By this I don't mean watching TV or the like but just sit there, maybe you can visualise or daydream if you like. The ability to just sit there BY YOURSELF as I said is difficult for some people but with all the noise in our lives we need it.

So rather than go out on Friday night, why don't you have a quiet night in? I'm sure you will benefit from it and at the very least you can get up early on Saturday morning sans hangover and make the most of the weekend. 

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