Monday 17 August 2020


 I received an email today from a mailing list I subscribe to. It talks about communicating with women and how to get a girlfriend etc. (Hey, don't judge. I find the emails very helpful and very interesting.)

Today's mail was titled 'Seduction Secrets for Introverts.' As you can probably imagine, this attracted my interest. 

The writer said that in the mail the tips were for shy and introverted guys. OK. I understand why you are writing this BUT please remember the following thing:

INTROVERSION and SHYNESS are NOT the same thing. I have said this ad nauseam on this blog. Introversion is how you energise. It is how you recharge. It is where you feel the most comfortable, in a small group. Shyness is the fear of judgement. 

Lets put this another way, the shy guy will go to the party and not speak to anyone, the introverted guy will not go at all. Does that make sense?

I used to think when I went to night clubs and bar etc that I was shy. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The atmosphere in the club was so stimulating for me that I got tired very quickly. The loud noise of the music meant I couldn't hear what the other person was saying and I couldn't have the proper conversation that I wanted to have.  

Going back to the email, admittedly the writer does give some good advice about pushing a little outside of your comfort zone and making the zone bigger. Just by saying hello or complimenting a person's hat. I think that is great advice.

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