Saturday 28 October 2017

To fly or not to fly: That is the question

Air travel. I used to think that it sounded quite glamorous. That was in my teens when I hadn't done a lot of it. I would dream of exotic locations and look at the map on the bedroom wall and think of the places that I would like to go to.

Recently, unfortunately, that kind of glamorous idea has gone from my mind. For me, a ten hour flight is just a way to get from A to B.

International flight are more affordable for a lot of people so as when in the past it was only the shall we say, more well off people who could go, now it is most people.

Of course this can cause some problems in that some people are not so sure of the "proper etiquette" (for example, feet up on the seat).

I digress however.

Today I want to talk about airline cabin crew.

The reason that I want to talk about that topic is that I read an interesting article about the "extracurricular" activities of people who spend a lot of time on aeroplanes.

I'm not here to judge what they do and don't do. I would hope that they are fully grown adults and hey, if you have it, why not flaunt it, right?

My question today is, can you be an introvert (energise by being alone) and have job that requires your to spend up to 15 hours on an aeroplane?

I always thought that it would be quite cool to work for an airline. Flying all over the world. Exploring exotic locations. That sounds quite cool, right?

Yeah, I'm not sure. You are going to have to like people for that kind of job and believe me in 2017 you are going to meet some "interesting" people. A quick search of YouTube proves that.

There are copious amounts of books and blog posts and newspaper articles out there talking about the horrors of working on a plane. Have a look. It is quite interesting.

What I would like to say is that you might like one thing and it sounds glamorous but then you have to put up with the other thing. You have to weigh one thing off against the other. It might just not be worth it. You have to decide.

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