Friday 15 March 2019


Hello everyone. It has been more than nine months and I thought that I would reopen this daily blog. I do have my reasons but I would rather keep them to myself for now.

How have you been for the last six months? As a friend of mine would say, have you been "kicking arse?" Have you been getting out and about?

I must admit that I have not really been doing that. Everything I tell people to do, I don't do myself and it is not very good.

Some of you might know that I run a website called Situational Extrovert. As you know, we do live in a world that is extroverted and it seems that we need to be extroverted on occasions. The Situational Extrovert will show you how to do that as well as give you examples fro my life in which I managed to get out of my introverted way for a few hours. Now, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with being introverted. Introverted people have many skills and attributes that are awesome however sometimes we need to get out there and The Situational Extrovert can help you do that.

This daily blog will focus on introverts and how you can become, for a short time, a little more extroverted and overcome those social challenges that we all deal with.

I look forward to the coming months with your support.

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