Sunday 24 March 2019

BEING SOCIAL: It is not the same for you and me.

I read an article about success the other day and what it means to various people. To some people it means having a truckload of money. To some people it means making a particular sporting team or league. To some people it is living in a place or driving a particular car.

To me it means doing what you want to do at anytime or anyplace. So basically, in my definition, having to go to work on a Monday morning is not necessarily a form of success in my mind.

This article made me think about what it means to be social. I'm sure this has different meanings for different people.

Does social mean this?

Or does social mean this?

Does social mean this?

Or, does social mean this to you?

We all have our own definition of what being social is. Maybe for you it means partying in a club with 500 other people who you don't know but you consider them all your friend or maybe social means to hang out on a Friday night with your BFF and relax and have a few brews and just generally take it easy.

Social means different things to different people. Don't think that your way is any better than another person's way or that that person should socialise the same way as you do. We all do things our own way and there isn't one right way for all of us and the moment we realise that the more successful we will be in our professional and social relationships.

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