Sunday 31 March 2019

ARE YOU A C**T?: I don't think so.

WARNING! Offensive language ahead. If you are easily offended by four letter words (I don't know why, they are only words after all) or expletives or what have you, I would suggest not reading on. Please do not say you haven't been warned.

This post on Instagram I thought was hilarious. It was on an account called The Funny Introvert.

"You have this 3 pound organ in your skull that's so fucking amazing it literally defies the laws of it's own construction and you use it to watch the Bachelor and be a cunt."

I was reading this in the library and usually I'm not a LOL type of guy but I couldn't help myself this time. The people around me certainly liked at me a little strange as I couldn't really control the sounds coming out of my mouth for a few seconds.

I think what got me originally was the use of the word "cunt." Where I come from the word is thrown around quite liberally and in England in some circumstances it is almost used as a term of endearment.

Here is the Canadian comedian Russell Peters explaining the use of the word as well as anyone:

I think in the above "quote" though the word "cunt" is equated to mean an idiot. It is saying that we are not acting or doing things to our full potential. We are not living our lives to the absolute fullest.        

We get home after slaving through our 9 to 5's or if you live in certain places, our 9 to 9's. We blob out in front of the television or netflix or what have you and that's it. We are up the next morning with little energy and do it all over again. Is that living our dream life? I 100% doubt it. By living like that we are literally become a cunt. Not good. Not good at all.

I know that it is a cliche but life is for living. It is for us to get out there and grab it by it's tail and say "You are mine. You are going to be great and you are going to kick ass on each and every day."

So sort out that boring routine. Sort out your finances. Sort out your sleeping time. Sort out your diet. Sort out your exercise and health routine. Sort out your relationships. Sort out everything and live that life that you know 100% in your mind that you are capable of.

Do you know what? Your life will become more and more enjoyable. Your finances will start to become better and money will start coming from places you didn't even know. You will start to have more and more energy. That beer belly will miraculously disappear. Those muscles that you never thought you had will suddenly appear and last but certainly not least that certain special someone will appear or in some of our lives reappear and you will have manifested the life you always dreamed of.

Remember though to not put off happiness until all of those things eventuate. The trick is to be happy now. Be happy about your current situation. Be happy about what you have. Be happy about that roof over your head. Be happy about that food in your fridge and the water in the glass. Express gratitude for all of those things. Heck, express gratitude for the thoughts in your head. It means you are alive and you can contribute to this society.

This is the reason that people who seem to have everything, the money, the huge house, the hot spouse seem to not be happy because rather than expressing that gratitude for what they have, they want more and they are making their lives miserable.

Are you cunt? I'm sure you are not. Live like it.

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