Tuesday 27 August 2024


 Are you alpha or are you beta? 

Some people like to think that there is no such thing. But the reason some people say that is because they themselves realise that they are not doing the things that an alpha are doing.

What kind of things does an alpha do?

Alphas take risks even though their is the risk of loss or failure. They see that the reward is going to outweigh the risk most of the time. If risk outweighs reward, then they are probably not going to do it. 

Alphas try to ignore the pain and they take action even though they might be quite fearful about what might happen. 

Alphas have discipline. As the great Brian Tracy says "Practice self-discipline, in all things." Alphas do this. 

Alphas want to pursue excellence and they want to reach their potential despite the odds.

Alpha energy is about  the following:


drive purpose


risk taking.

What is a beta male then?

Beta males are:




Most importantly:

betas will do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.

In other words, betas are so worried about failure, they are so worried about annoying or letting down or aggravating other people that they don't want to do anything. 

Betas run away from their problems rather than standing there and facing them.

Which one do you want to become?

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