Monday 2 November 2020


 I always like it how some people will ask you,

"Are you free tonight?"

I always used to tell the truth (it is important to tell the truth) and say that (more often than not) I wasn't doing anything. 

Of course I didn't have any plans to leave the house but I did want to sit in front of the television and blob. (That is a technical term by the way.)

Of course most people who ask if "you are free tonight" and they hear the "no I'm not" reply will automatically assume that you want to go and hit the town with them. This can be problematic for the introvert because they do actually have plans but the aforementioned "blob" is something that they don't want to admit to and it (for some people ) makes them seem lazy even though you are doing what comes naturally to you and that is re-charge at home.

So, what can you do if you are asked this question?

1. Ask straight up, "what do you have planned?" and if it is not what you want to do, say so and try not to crack under the pressure of the guilt trips etc.

2. Tell the truth. "No, I'm blobbing in front of the TV tonight."

3. You could ask what they want to do and then decide then and there. 

"Are you free tonight?"

"Why? What are you doing?"

"A whole bunch of people are going to hit the town tonight. It's going to be epic."

"I'm going to take a rain check. Have a good time."

"C'mon man. It's going to be epic. Don't be such a spoil sport."

"Have a great time. See you next week."

4. Tell them that you are not feeling well.

Whatever you decide, make sure you make it your decision. Don't be pressured into anything. If you want, ask that person to come and hang out with you. You never know.

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