Sunday 8 December 2019

Introvert Tactics

I watched the following video the other day and he makes some excellent points in it. Let me go through them:

First of all, being introvert has nothing to do with being shy. Actually in the video he gives an excellent example about how introverts roll. He says that he will be in a club and then after a couple of hours he'd wish that he was back home on the couch watching a movie or something similar which is Introvert 101.

Also, what does being an introvert have to do with social anxiety. Remember it is about how you recharge yourself not whether you crumble in the front of other people. Although in saying that, some people are going to struggle

Lets go through the five pieces of advice in this video:

1. Nervous Reframe

This is an excellent piece of advice. You are not nervous about what is going to happen but you are excited about what is going to happen.

In this video, a lot of his examples are about pick up and talking to women, so the example would be rather than being nervous that you might look stupid and get made fun of, you are excited that you are going to meet someone great and you might go out on a date with them later.

2. Utilise your Passion

I like this one a lot and I say this in my blog as well. When someone asks you "What do you do?' they are mostly waiting for you to say your job title and preferably in language that they can understand. However, when you start talking about your passion then you become excited and you will become a more interesting person and people will ask you more questions and it snowballs from there.

3. Make it Certain

What holds us back is uncertainty and because we don't know what is going to happen we don't want to do anything. But if you prepare and you have a plan of attack then in your mind you are going to be more calm and whatever happens you knew it was going to happen.

4. Initiate Always

In my opinion this is the best piece of advice in the video. Always take the lead. If you are a man and you see a woman that you want to talk to, go over and say hi and remember you don't need any fancy pick up line like "I've lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?" That's just cheesy.

If you see someone you haven't seen for a long time, go over and say hi. You don't have to spend the next three days and three nights with them, just say hi and talk for a couple of minutes and say bye. I assure you the other person will be happy that you made the effort to initiate it and if they aren't, what did you do? You went and said hi. What a monster you are! (That's sarcasm.)

5. Stay Mysterious 

I must admit that I don't really get this one but I suppose if you focus your attention on the other person, then you are not going to be talking too much and the other person would be happy because you are talking about them and then they realise that you haven't said anything and that would make them realise that they don't know you at all.

In summary:

  • Make it exciting
  • Talk about your passion
  • Certainty
  • Initiate
  • Mysterious
Excellent video. Take a look if you haven't already.

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