Saturday 15 February 2020

Introverts v Extroverts 101

Here are a few things you need to know if you are going to compare Introverts v Extroverts (which you shouldn't but lets be realistic)

1. Introverts get energy from themselves. For within their being. Extrovert get energy from outside interaction, interaction with people.

2. (I hate to write this) Introverts are often shy but please remember that the two are completely different. Extroverts are often sociable. (Well thank you Sherlock)

3. Introverts are different in public and private. (I wrote a post about Uchibenkei, which is a Japanese word which basically means being the lord of the manor in private while being reserved outside the house. The extrovert on the other hand are the same in public and private.

4. In a large group, our two friends are like chalk and cheese. An introvert is quiet while an extrovert is invariably the life and soul of the party.

5. An introvert will have a few lose friends (but please bare in mind that these friends will do anything for our introverted mate.). An extrovert will have a large number of friends.

6. An introvert can concentrate for a long time in low-key places while an extrovert is easily distracted by shiny objects and the new cool thing.

7. An introvert will think before he or she says anything. They will go over that telephone call a number of times in their head before dealing. They will imagine conversations in their head before they occur. The extrovert tends to think out loud.

8. An introvert will tend keep his or her emotions hidden. Sometimes you can't tell if they are interested in what you are saying or not. Extrovert like to unload their emotions. they want everyone to know.

There you go. There are some differences. They shouldn't be taken as gospel, just that it gives you some rough idea about introverts and extroverts.

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