Monday 10 June 2024

Introversion 101 sure, but you have to get out of it from time to time

 I should really have restarted this blog during the Covid period. The covid period, or as I like to call it, the mask years, seemed to go on forever in Japan while other countries were back to normal relatively quickly. I don't why that was. Maybe the risk averse nature of the people in that country and the fear of the outside world. (I'm sorry if you are reading this in Japan but it is true. You wanted tourists to come but when they do, you don't want them there anymore. Which is it? Oh, I see, they don't follow the rules. Well, when you have a plethora of rules that don't make sense half the time and a population that subserviently follows them and has a touch of xenophobia, what do you expect?)

I'm glad I got that rant out of the way. I wonder if I will be allowed back into the country. 

Anyway, what was I talking about? The covid period, that's right.

During this time, I went periods, more than once in which I didn't leave the house. I didn't go out the front door. The only time I went outside was when I would open the sliding door and hang out my washing. I didn't even put more foot outside. I think the longest period was 6 days. About 144 hours of staying at home and not even looking outside. 

I lived on the ground floor of the apartment complex but it was designed in such a way that and with the slope of the road that my room was below the road surface and that I looked out to a concrete wall. Because of this, I can only remember me opening my curtains a handful of times. 

Over time, from the beginning of January 2020 to about the middle of 2023, I was basically holed up in my room (apartment). Of course, I went out and did things but not as much as I should have. This brought with it loneliness. I'm actually holding back the tears as I write this. The room was comfortable, it was warm enough. I had an excellent bed with nice pillows etc. but at some stages I wished that I could have shared it with someone too.

Of course, I did try online dating but that stopped in about September 2022 when I catfished someone. It wasn't the greatest thing that I have ever done and even now I can still see vividly in my mind the look on her face when she saw me. Not my finest moment. I must admit that I just was happy to get out of my apartment and to share it with someone. It was a beautiful day and the Tokyo hotties were out and about especially in the area that I was in. 

I think what I am trying to say in this autobiographical post is that for an introvert, it is ok to want to spend some time alone to recharge. That is introversion 101. However, we must remember that we all need to socialize. We all need to get out there from time to time. Even I forget this from time to time. We all need to meet new people and to engage with them and hey, you don't know what it going to come of it.

Make it your goal this week to find an event or something similar in which you will be engaging with other people, strangers if you will. 

I will do the same. Good luck. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024


That was a false start. Not good. I am very good at starting something and then not following through. Let's start again.

I saw the quote below, the other day. I don't know who John Graves is but it makes a lot of sense.

John Graves  "A crowded world thinks that aloneness is always loneliness and that to seek it is perversion."

Occasionally, the introvert needs some alone time. 


Because that is how he or she recharges. That is how the introvert gets the energy to go again and then have a lot more to say and be very talkative. If you don't let he or she have that, you are going to get nothing out of them and then you will have more complaints.

Let the introvert have that alone time. They will feel better and you will have a better experience with them.

Does that sound like a deal?