Tuesday 3 December 2019


Hands up if you have never heard of Tinder?

Tinder is almost synonymous with dating in 2019. Every single person seems to have it on their phone and people swiping by the millions every day.

As a situational extrovert, sometimes it can be difficult to approach that person and start a relationship out of thin air. Tinder or whatever application you use can do that hard work for you but as some of you probably know, there are some things that might happen that can be difficult to cope with.


Ghosting is when the other person just disappears. You seem to getting along very well and then he or she just runs away. They become a ghost and you have no idea what happened. At the end of the day, unless you have met them in the flesh, they were literally just words and pixels on a screen and maybe they are doing you a favour.

As a situational extrovert, we want to encourage you to get out of the house and meet people but we know that it can be a little difficult so apps are the best but don't rely on them 100%. If you get out of the house, you might never know who you will meet.

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