Saturday 10 August 2019


I read this article today. I was absolutely shocked by it all, especially hard on the heels of my post from a few days ago.

My only question is WHY? Why do these idiots feel a need to abuse someone because:

a. they don't have the same colour skin as them.

b. they come from a different country

c. they may not worship the same god as them.

I assure you, we are not born bigoted or prejudiced. We learn these habits growing up from our parents, our environment, even our schools. It makes you wonder why schools and religious organisations  are teaching this ridiculous stuff to the students. I don't get it.

Anyway, I can't say much more. I'll let the following guy say and he says very well. I wish that he didn't say it but unfortunately he has to. No, I'm not talking about Cristiano Ronaldo.

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